Life as an exam

September 30, 2009

Why do people change their beliefs or opinions?  How, or more specifically, what process do they go through to come to a new realization?  What’s the difference between a belief or opinion anyways?  Do people ever come to new realizations or are they all reevaluated old conclusions?  I don’t really know, but in thinking recently, I’ve come to realize that life is a lot like taking an exam in school.  You write down the answers as best you know.  While you’re taking the exam, you know, or think, they’re all correct.  It’s only when you get the exam back with red ‘X’s that you go back and think through the questions again.  In life, we’re constantly taking the exam and the correct answers are ‘truth’.  The premise is that we have how ever long we’re alive to figure out the correct answers before time is up.  We can change the answers as often as we like, but the object is to find truth.  Now, like in an exam, people are at different points on different questions.  Some are sure of some answers, some don’t know, some just don’t care.  As people who are convinced we know the truth, we must persuade people to reevaluate and then guide them in the right direction.

I need to go pack and then leave for a 2 week vacation.  To be continued….

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