
January 4, 2010

The last month particularly has been really exhausting.  A lot I’ve realized because I haven’t been trusting God for strength.  These are thoughts I written down so I could process it but I hope you find them edifying.

Where I was.
It is much easier for me to find my justification in what I do, in what I achieve, in what others say of me, than in Christ.  All of those are a usurping of the throne of Christ and are placing my faith and belief in myself.  It is easier, simpler, more self fulfilling to believe in that which I can know on my own power and name tangibly.  To the outsider the life appears the same.  It’s composed of the same actions, prayer, reading of the word, meeting with people, serving, but at a foundational level it’s built on something entirely different.  It’s built on my own power and my own word.  There’s fundamental unbelief of God and self-serving pride at the root of both of those.  The end of my actions is to build up my ego and my security in attempts to earn God’s approval.  So I met with people more than ever.  Good things, but my attitude was to assure myself that I was bearing fruit and walking in obedience instead of trusting that Christ’s work on the cross was already sufficient.  Read the rest of this entry »

Justification, Joy, & Rest

November 15, 2009

It seems I either spend my time relatively oblivious to my sin and happily so, or I spend my time overwhelmed by my depravity though still holding joy that I am justified.  The problem is that I don’t often bring the two together.  The first posture is dangerous.  It is naive.  The second is good so long as it forces you to realize that love and grace go much deeper than any depravity we could know.  We ought to know our depravity, but dwell on the love that has been given lavishly.  Herein is our rest and quiescence.


November 10, 2009

So, last week, I asked God to humble me and show me my sin.  He did, and it sucked.  But now I’ve repented and it’s so much better being aware of it and trying to avoid it than being oblivious to it.  I’ve also been reading a book about how Peter stumbles.  Satan asks to sift him and God let’s him fail, but God is faithful and turns him around, and afterward uses him to strengthen the church.  We will be disciplined because we won’t be perfect this side of heaven.  It all seems painful in the moment but eventually it produces righteousness and peace.  Well worth it.


October 30, 2009

God has been moving in incredible ways, not only among our friends, but also in my life. When we first arrived one of the long termers reminded us that our primary priority is to worship God. Making friends and sharing with them is secondary to our own relationship with God. It’s like Mary when she’s sitting at the feet of Jesus. When we rest in God, all the rest of our activities are enabled by God because we are doing them through his power and not our own. I finally experienced that last week when I got to spend hours and hours worshiping God. Not only did I feel energized, but I had no trouble getting the things done I needed to and it was a great week for meeting and sharing with people. Praise God for his faithfulness. Let me encourage you to try ‘wasting’ hours with no specific ending point. Spend it reading the Word, praying, singing, whatever, and see what happens.

Life as an exam

September 30, 2009

Why do people change their beliefs or opinions?  How, or more specifically, what process do they go through to come to a new realization?  What’s the difference between a belief or opinion anyways?  Do people ever come to new realizations or are they all reevaluated old conclusions?  I don’t really know, but in thinking recently, I’ve come to realize that life is a lot like taking an exam in school.  You write down the answers as best you know.  While you’re taking the exam, you know, or think, they’re all correct.  It’s only when you get the exam back with red ‘X’s that you go back and think through the questions again.  In life, we’re constantly taking the exam and the correct answers are ‘truth’.  The premise is that we have how ever long we’re alive to figure out the correct answers before time is up.  We can change the answers as often as we like, but the object is to find truth.  Now, like in an exam, people are at different points on different questions.  Some are sure of some answers, some don’t know, some just don’t care.  As people who are convinced we know the truth, we must persuade people to reevaluate and then guide them in the right direction.

I need to go pack and then leave for a 2 week vacation.  To be continued….


August 19, 2009

What is relevance? Relevance is ‘trendy,’ keeping with the times. Media needs to be relevant. Celebrities are relevant. As Christians we are not called to be relevant, only to proclaim the Gospel. So this is a confession as much as it is anything else. After reading Nouwen’s In the Name of Jesus I realize that I have chasing relevance. The problem is that relevance is unattainable. It changes on the minute and it leaves people empty. Moreover, as a follower of Christ, it means nothing. There isn’t anything wrong being relevant as long as you never remove your focus from the cross and never compromise the message; possible but difficult, but possible nonetheless. But relevance is so easy to slip into, especially in ministry when we put our reputation and our image above our faithful obedience. I keep telling myself that I’ll share the Gospel as soon as I have enough ‘image.’ When people are familiar with you, they’re more likely to listen to what you have to say seriously, no denying that, but that’s no excuse to be hiding.
I guess like all else it’s subtle. Some people are granted it, some are not. But regardless how much or little we have of it, we shouldn’t be chasing it. It’s not our focus and it’s not something we need by any measure.
The backdrop to all this is my move overseas. People there won’t care what I’ve accomplished or how many friends I have back home or anything at all. I’m just one face in a billion. Literally. But my task isn’t to achieve relevance. It’s faithfulness and obedience.

Leadership Summit 09

August 7, 2009

I haven’t forgotten about my blog or not had deep thoughts.  Just been real busy this summer.  Here’s some of my fav quotes/points from the Willow Creek Leadership Summit this year.

‘Cash simply gives you time’ – Bill Hybels (Willow Sr. Pastor)
‘The reason for your separation from God is your damnable good works’ – Tim Keller (Pastor @ Redeemer Pres in NYC)
‘The prodigal son didn’t have a true elder brother….but you do’ – Tim Keller
A Third Culture leader: 1. is focused on the fringe  2. uses a different set of metrics  3. understands obedience -Dave Gibbons (Pastor of Newsong Church)
‘Can we take the benefits of a globalized economy…without facing the responsibilities’ – Bono
‘Leadership is a blessing.  It’s a gift from God and we should use it.’ – Tony Blair
What is your ‘irreducible core?’  The things you absolutely hold to be true? – Tony Blair

Yup, I got to hear from Bono and Tony Blair.  Pretty sweet huh?  Fuller notes from these and more here.  (Not my site)

Letting go.

June 29, 2009

Every time someone says ‘I’m a failure’ or ‘I feel incompetent’ I think, ‘Right, you are.  You need to rely on Christ.’  Let go of trying to succeed on your own.  Let God move.  Then it’s really his success.  So no.  On this earth we’ll never be ‘successful.’  The only time we are, is when we let go.  In which case it’s really God who’s successful and gets the glory.  So in one sense I’m content in my failure in that I’ll never amount to more than that.  At the same time, striving for perfection.  That didn’t make any sense.  But it’s truth

Don’t blink

June 22, 2009

It feels like I’m saying bye to Wheaton and Naperville for the 5th time.  So many memories.  Almost all of my last two years revolved around this place.  It’s weird being half done college.  I still remember being a freshman.  Time goes so fast.  In the words of Kenney Chesney, “Life goes faster than you think; so don’t blink.”


June 4, 2009

In the country I’m in now, the dominant religion broadcasts a call to prayer five times a day.  It’s atonal and sounds, as my Grandma caricatured, ‘like someone’s sick’.  It honestly sounds like moaning.  But isn’t that what prayer is?  We are sick creatures calling out for mercy.  Although the rest of their theology may be wrong, and whether they recognize it at all, they and all the rest of us are sick.  We are moaning, in need of redemption.